CyberWiseCon Europe 2025


CyberWisecon is a premier IT security conference that brings together cybersecurity experts, industry leaders, and IT professionals from around the Europe. In an ever-evolving digital landscape, knowledge alone is not enough to safeguard against cyber threats. Wisdom, gained through experience and collective understanding, empowers us to stay one step ahead of malicious actors. At CyberWisecon, we celebrate the fusion of knowledge and wisdom, offering a platform to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore innovative approaches to cybersecurity.

Who are we looking for?

We would like to invite everyone with event or podcast hosting experience and/or anyone passionate about IT security and eager to experience themselves as track hosts.

What is expected?

The main responsibilities of a track host include:

  • Introduce the speakers and their sessions by adding up some spice;
  • Initiate a short chit-chat with the speaker before the session to get things going;
  • Facilitate the session by keeping the track of time and upholding the flow;
  • Break the silence and get the audience to speak up;
  • Maintain a positive and festive atmosphere.

To submit your application, please fill out the form or contact our conference team at email

We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Read the Code of Conduct here.