CyberWiseCon Europe 2025


Hear it straight from the people who attended CyberWiseCon Europe!

The conference was well-organized, ensuring a smooth and enriching experience for all participants. The venue was well-chosen, offering a comfortable and conducive environment for learning and networking. The agenda was thoughtfully designed, balancing keynote presentations, and ample networking breaks to maximize the value for attendees.

Nedas Jarmolenka

Software developer @ 8devices

This was my first time at this conference and my first time in Vilnius. Everything was perfect, from the location to the quality of the content. As a speaker, I appreciated how well they cared for me. I hope to participate next year, too.

Paolo Mainardi

CTO @ Sparkfabrik

I was impressed by both the depth of the different talks available during the conference and how smoothly it was organized. I plan on returning with more colleagues next time, as there was simply too much to cover.

Ian Kennedy

Technical Product Manager @ e-Boks

I really liked this conference! It has great culture, nice people and everything is super well organised. Vilnius is a lovely city and a great place to combine the conference with some sight seeing!

Kasper Haak

Software Engineer @ Lely

The conference was well organised and covered broad spectre of topics following different paths of interests. The schedule was intense but not too tight to allow conveniently move between locations. Useful event indeed and I would very much like to visit the coming conferences as well.

Margus Nõmme

DevOps @ Holmbank

I liked the aspect of the conference that integrated it with DevDays Europe and CyberWiseCon, allowing participants to access sessions across all three events with a single registration. This setup enriched the learning experience by offering a broader spectrum of content and networking opportunities. The high-quality presentations and valuable insights into current and emerging DevOps trends were particularly noteworthy.

Darius Legus

Computer Systems Engineer @ Vilnius City Municipality

Overall great event. Thanks a lot!

Arnas Andriuskevicius

CISO @ Lyfegen HealthTech AG

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